
How Our Willpower Was Lost In The Garden Of Eden

The 7 places Jesus shed His blood for our freedom

1/ In Gethsemane, Jesus Won Back Our Willpower

Andrew Magrath

Luke 22:44 And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Perspiration fell from Jesus face like great drops of blood as He wrestled with the pain of taking upon Himself the sin of the world and in turn enduring separation from His Father.

Medical doctors confirm that at times of intense fear or agony, a person's blood vessels can literally break beneath the skin and blood will begin to come out of their pores like sweat.

Out of Jesus' pores came sweat and blood because of the anxiety, the fear, and the turmoil He was experiencing.
But in this place of turmoil the obedient nature of Christ led Him and us as a result to a place of victory over our will. Jesus declared with eternal consequence, "not My will but your will be done".

The first place Jesus shed His blood was in a garden because the first place we lost the power of God's blessing was in another garden, the Garden of Eden. It was in the garden that man chose to rebel against God and exercise the right of his will to live in his mind independently from God.

When Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden we lost our willpower to do what is right.
In essence, Adam said, "Father, not Your will, but mine be done," and at that moment, Adam sacrificed man's willpower in every area.

Jesus redeemed us with His blood from this darkened will, a will filled with the self-seeking nature of satan.
The word "redeemed" means that we are brought back to the original place, God's original plan and purpose for our life.

With Adam's disobedience we gave our will over to the enemy and lost our ability to say "yes" to all the good God has for us and "no" to all the bad the enemy wants to do to us.

When we're trying to break an addiction we often say, "I want to stop but I have no willpower."
But the willpower we lost in the Garden of Eden was won back in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus said, "if it be possible take this cup from Me but not as I will but as you will". Matthew 26:39.

The first Adam disobeyed God to persist in His own will, but Jesus offered His will and the will of mankind in obedience to God.

Jesus blood has lost none of it's power to redeem our self reliance and the weakness of our natural will.
As you open you spirit up to the life of Jesus, the power to overcome addictions and poor decisions will flow through your life today.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and his blood still brings freedom to all who place their faith in Him.

How Our Willpower Was Lost In The Garden Of Eden


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